Indigenous Education Diploma
The MCC Diploma in Education program leads to a Bachelor of Education provides courses that allow a student to complete the first two years of a Bachelor of Education degree. While this Diploma program is modeled to fit the University of Alberta B. Ed. Degree requirements, specific arrangements can be made to plan a schedule that allows for transfer-ability to any B. Ed program in Alberta. Some students may wish to pursue their degree in another province.
Please discuss this with the Registrar, or your adviser to fully understand which courses can be transferred.
REQUIRED COURSES (60 credits – 20 courses)
3 Language and Literature: 2 Junior English; ENGL 1500 + ENGL 1501, or ENGL 1125,
or RSWR 1900, or WRST 1101, and one senior English ENGL – to be determined3 Education: EDFX 1500, EDPY 1500, COMP 2502
2 Math: MATH 1507, MATH 1510, STAT 1500
2 Social Sciences: ANTH 1500, SOCI 1500, PSYC 1500, INDG 1000, POLI 1500,
2 Fine Arts: DRAM 1500, INDG 1100 (Cultural Arts course)
2 Natural Sciences: EART 1500, plus one new course currently in development
2 Physical Education and Health: PEDS 2522 and FAMI 1510 or 2515,
4 Indigenous courses: CREE, CRST, or INDG courses, CREE 1000A, CREE 1000B, CRST 1101,
CRST 1102, INDG 1910, INDG 1911, INDG 2010, INDG 2240
Students who have completed the Early Childhood Development Level 3 Diploma will receive 30 credits toward a B Ed at the University of Alberta.
They will be required to complete the following courses to obtain a University Studies Diploma in the B Ed stream so that they can enter the Aboriginal Teacher Education Program in Alberta, delivered at Maskwacis or the B Ed program at the University of Alberta.
If students would prefer to go to other Universities, please see your Advisor to prepare an individualized plan which will be accepted at your University of choice.
Required Courses in the Diploma for B Ed for the Students who have
completed ECD Level 3 (30 credits 10 courses):
2 Natural Sciences: EART 1500 plus one new course, currently in development.
2 Math: MATH 1507, MATH 1510, STAT 1500,
3 English Language/Lit: ENGL: 1500, plus two of ENGL 1501,. ENGL 1125, WRST 1101, RSWR 1900
1 Fine Arts: DRAM 1500 or new art course INDG 1100
2 Education: EDFX 1500 ( EDU 100) and COMP 2502 ( EDU 210)
No extra Cree language and culture needed for U of A .