Maskwacis Cultural College
Guiding Principles
The Creator (K’se Manto) is the heart of the college. We will continue to advance and preserve: iyiniw pimatsiwin, ekwa iyiniw mamitoneyicekan (indigenous forms of life and thinking). At its most fundamental level, we will remember dreams and visions (nistameymahkanak) for future generations. It was the founding members of MCC who embraced the concept of higher learning.
Mission Statement
To educate with discipline and compassion so that Indigenous and other communities will be inspired by creative, intelligent individuals. They will in turn nurture, serve, lead, and bring justice to the world
Vision Statement
Maskwacis Cultural College is a “Centre of Excellence in Academics and Cree Indigenous Knowledge”

Our Staff
Senior Administrative Assistant:
Elaine Lightning
Extension: 224
Colette Crier
Extension: 238
Assistant Registrar
Yvonne Larocque
Extension: 222
Dean of Indigenous Arts / Cree Curriculum Coordinator
Dr. Yvonne Saddleback
Extension: 239
Cree Transcriber and Translator:
Rose Saddleback
Extension: 235
Elder in Residence
Dr. Jerry Saddleback
Extension: 227
Elder in Residence
Dr. Mary Moonias
Extension: 226
MCC Staff - Pink Shirt Day 2023
AEP Instructors:
Nadalie Lightning
Extension: 230
Adult Education Coordinator:
Derek Fink
Extension: 240
Student Services Support Coordinator:
Allyson Dennehy
Extension: 237
Literacy Coordinator:
Vanessa Omeasoo
Extension: 247
Krista Montour
Extension: 221
IT Support Analyst:
Jimmy Alook
Extension: 103
Network Administrator:
Harlin Buffalo
Extension: 236
Leslie Crier
Extension: 102
Maskwacis Cultural College Adult Education Program Code of Conduct
In accordance with School Act 45.1, to support Gay/Queer Straight Alliances:
45.1 (2) Policies and Procedures influenced by our cultural values promoting a welcoming, safe, caring, equal, and respectful treatment to all staff and students including members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, Two Spirit, and Queer (LGBTQ) community. Maskwacis Cultural College (MCC) respects diversity and promotes a sense of belonging to all staff and students. MCC does not tolerate or foster any form of negative, derogatory, and demeaning behavior such as: verbal, psychological, physical, lateral, electronic (text etc.), and bullying, acts of violence.
45.1 (3) Maskwacis Cultural College, from here on referred to as MCC, strives to ensure the basic human rights of all staff and student body are respected. MCC provides fair, equal, caring, considerate, and compassionate understanding and support of all members of our staff and student body including those people of the: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, Two Spirit, and Queer community. There is zero tolerance for discrimination toward any person or group of people, including LGBTQ individuals.
45.1 (4) In accordance to Personal Information Privacy Act (PIPA), only students that have granted MCC their written permission can have their pictures and/or information disclosed to public; those individuals that have not granted permission through written notice to MCC, must not have pictures and/or information disclosed to the public.
45.1 (5.1) MCC central code of ethics is to love, care for, and respect children and all other people. Thus, MCC is a welcoming, caring, respectful, safe, academic environment for staff and students that promotes acceptance and diversity, for all people at school.
45.1 (5.2) All staff and students are expected to behave in a way that is respectful to each other, and treat the other person, the way they would like to be treated. Where staff and student(s) behaviour and/or action(s), are unacceptable, whether in or out of school building, during school day or by electronic means, consequences for this inappropriate behavior will be imposed. Unacceptable behaviour may include acts of violence consisting of: verbal, physical, psychological, lateral, electronic (text and email), etc., toward an LGBTQ person or group.
45.1 (5.3) The President of Maskwacis Cultural College has the authority to take appropriate disciplinary action if infraction(s) have been committed toward LGBTQ individual(s) or group(s). Examples of such corrective measures may include:
Verbal reprimand and then written on file
Termination from class, program or institution
Reporting to law enforcement
45.1 (5.4) MCC is a respectful, compassionate, and inclusive, academic environment for staff and students, as such, following Elder’s suggestions, provide healing circles for those impacted and engaged individuals, involved in inappropriate behaviour.
Maskwacis Cultural College Adult Education Program
In accordance with School Act 16.1:
Policies and Procedures influenced by our cultural values promoting a welcoming, safe, caring, equal and respectful treatment to all students including members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, Two Spirit, and Queer community. Maskwacis Cultural College respects diversity and promotes a sense of belonging to all students.
The following policies and procedures are designed to align with the protocol of Section 16.1 of the School Act. Maskwacis Cultural College, from here on referred to as MCC, strives to ensure the basic human rights of all student body are respected. MCC provides fair, equal, caring, considerate, and compassionate understanding and support of all members of our student body including those people of the: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, Two Spirit, and Queer (LGBTQ) community, by adhering to the following:
1. Support for, and a designated MCC staff member to provide a Gay Straight/Queer-Straight Alliance (GSA/QSA) social club for student(s) immediately, if there is a desire for such a club at MCC.
(*1.0) LGBTQ students are granted immediate permission for the establishment of student organized and or holding of activities.
(*1.1) Principal will within a reasonable time from request, designate a staff member to serve as staff liaison to facilitate establishment and operation of organization and student activity.
(*3.1) LGBTQ students have the right to name their organization/social club a GSA/QSA, if they wish to do so. Students have the right to include GSA/QSA in name of an activity. (*4.0) Principal will immediately inform school authority and Minister if no staff member is available for staff liaison for LGBTQ Alliance.
(*6.0) MCC will adhere to Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP), in relation to notification, if any, respecting a voluntary student organization or activity, must be limited to the fact of the establishment of the organization or the holding of the activity. MCC will endeavor to protect the privacy of all students including those of GSA/QSA, in any school-based activity or organization.
2. Appropriate designated non-gender washroom available to students if such a facility is required.
3. (Section 20) MCC representatives and students will show utmost respect for LGBTQ student(s) and lifestyle; furthermore, respecting the fact that all people are Kisemanito’s creation and deserve respectful treatment. MCC will provide a welcoming, safe, caring, accepting, and respectful, learning environment that respects diversity and fosters a sense of belonging.
4. Where student(s) action(s), may that be verbal, physical, psychological, lateral, electronic (email/text), etc., toward an LGBTQ person or group are considered inappropriate and unacceptable, the President of Maskwacis Cultural College has the authority to take appropriate disciplinary action. Examples of such actions may include:
Verbal reprimand and then written on file
Termination from class, program or institution
Reporting to law enforcement