Maskwacis Cultural College Presents Treaty 6, 7, & 8 Chiefs (Okimawak) Fundraiser Hockey Game
Four Nations Arena - Maskwacis, Alberta 12:00 NOON
For your opportunity to participate, fees are as follows:
$500.00/CHIEF $200.00/PLAYER
All funds raised will be put towards an MCC Scholarship. Donations and sponsorship kindly accepted.
Cheques can be made payable to: Maskwacis Cultural College
No Admission fee but a perishable food bank item would be greatly appreciated. Come out to cheer on a FUN GAME of Hockey between the Leadership of T6, T7 and T8. Mark your Calendar FRIDAY March 31st at NOON! Concession and Donation Table will be set up at the 4 Nations Arena!
For more information or to register, contact: Fran Ermineskin 780-585-3925 Ext. 234 or email